Friday, August 9, 2013


Hi, all! Wow, the end of the year was such a whirlwind: spring activities, classes ending, graduation. Whew! It’s hard to believe that was three months ago and that summer is almost over now. I have spent my summer working, volunteering, job hunting and all that entails, and traveling, lots of weddings and some just vacation. 

I have deferred my acceptance to UK. I decided I need to get out in the real world and figure out what I like and want to do! So I finally have some real plans. Plan A: I have a final interview next week for a position in NYC I’m very excited about. If that doesn't work out, Plan B is leaving for China in November to teach English with Disney. Either way, both are dreams of mine, to live in NYC and to travel abroad, and either one will be an adventure! 

There will be a new graduate assistant starting this school year. It’s been a wonderful two years, thanks for following along! Be sure to check out the MPA page for updates:

Until we meet again, Tori

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Two weeks until Spring Break!

Not that I’m going anywhere, but it’ll be nice to have a chance to catch up on some things and hopefully it will mean warmer weather!

Classes are going well. I feel like I’m being very proactive this semester. Go figure, just when you feel like you’re getting really good at something, it’s over! Actually that may not be entirely true for me, I found out this week I have been accepted to UK’s Educational Policy doctoral program! I’m very excited about this opportunity and will be traveling down to Lexington early next week to meet with some faculty.

Ok, back to classes. In policy, I've had a slight change of direction on my term project. I will now be working with one classmate on early childhood HEALTH intervention. We have submitted our proposal and both done our individual mini-presentations. We both presented on articles related to our topic and the policy process as an installment toward our final paper.

In org. theory, my group and I presented our chapter on organizations as machines and used McDonald’s as an example. We were the first group to go (each group has to present for an hour and a half each week) and we felt like it went pretty well.

In capstone, we had a resume building session with members of the MPA advisory board. Overall, it was very helpful and informative. Some things that really resonated with me were their advice to “dig deeper” than your job description on your resume and they pointed out areas of my resume I could quantify, which I hadn't been able to see previously. We are also putting together our portfolio, which is a reflection of our MPA experience and is due next week. I have a good jump on this and am feeling really good about it. For our major project, our survey instrument is complete and we are just waiting for a signed statement from the agency we are working with before we can submit our packet to the Institutional Review Board.

The dinner with Rina Saperstein was very interesting and enjoyable. As I might have mentioned, she discussed social entrepreneurship. One thing that really got me thinking was that she talked about how nonprofit to for-profit has become less black and white and more of a continuum and along the way to you see cause related marketing, social conscious corporations, thrift stores, nonprofits that sell products, etc. Definitely a subject I’d be interested in hearing and learning more about!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Last semester!

Hello and welcome back to a new semester! This semester is extra-special for me because it is my LAST ONE! Crazy. One of my favorite authors, Gretchen Reuben, often comments that, “The days are long, but the years are short.” This applies to all areas of life and is no less true about my grad school experience.

I had a wonderful winter break, as I hope you all did, and I am already looking forward to Spring Break, if for no other reason than a break from the cold we’ve had here!

We are already two weeks into the semester now and I’m really enjoying all my classes. On Monday nights I have public policy, which I have been anticipating since I started the program. We had the option to do a research paper or a service learning project; I signed up for the project. Four team members and I will be working with an organization to evaluate the effectiveness of Early Childhood Education initiatives through cost-benefit analyses and possibly do some forecasting. I am really excited about this as this is one of my main areas of interest. Every couple of weeks the Capstone class meets on Tuesday nights. Capstone is usually associated with a major project but there are a couple of other components, as well, which include professional development, resume and interview techniques, and a portfolio reflecting on your MPA experience. In terms of the major project, my partner and I are (we think!) staying on top of things. Last week we met with the NAMI CC Executive Director, attended a support group meeting, and tomorrow, we are attending a different recovery group meeting for comparison and ideas. We have continued to work on our application to the Internal Review Board and drafting our survey questions. We hope to submit that next week. My last class of the week meets on Wednesday nights, Organizational Behavior and Theory. So far I am really enjoying the class and the instructor, who has a TON of international experience, so cool! My group wanted to get our presentation out of the way early, so we’re presenting organizations as machines next week.

In other news, the newsletter came out this week! Yay! You can check it out here: And, mark your calendars, the annual MPA-ASPA dinner is in two weeks on February 6. The guest speaker will be Rina Saperstein, Executive Director of Power Inspires Progress, 2006 MPA graduate and recipient of the 2012 PSC/CJ Outstanding Alumni Award.  Power Inspires Progress operates small businesses that provide paid on-the-job training to inner city residents who face obstacles pursuing and maintaining stable employment. Trainees gain the knowledge and experience necessary to be successful in the workforce. If you’re familiar with Venice on Vine, a delicious pizza eatery in OTR, Power Inspires Progress operates that!

Monday, December 31, 2012


Hello, all! The semester is over and it's almost the new year! Classes ended well. We presented all our research in data. I was happy with my paper, less happy with how I did on the exam. I enjoy working with data and I'm usually pretty good at it, and I made some simple mistakes that I was disappointed with myself over. In budget, we had two back-to-back finals, it was tough, but it's over. I scored within a point of each of my exams, so at least I was consistent! I was happy with our HR research and did fine on the exam, too.

There is a new PASS leadership team! We have four officers. We wrapped up this semester with Georgetta Kelly, Director of Human Resources at the City of Cincinnati, speaking to about 15 individuals from the MPA program about cooperation and shared services. One thing that she said that really stuck with me, was that once you know your area, you need to KNOW YOUR AREA. You need to read up on everything you can get your hands on related to that subject, keep up with the news, trends, and development, etc. You should be an expert in what you are passionate about. The book drive finished with 711 lbs of books collected for Worldwide Book Drive. That is AMAZING! Thanks so much to everyone who contributed.

My winter break to-do list has A LOT on it, including applying for opportunities after graduation and moving forward with our capstone project.

The newsletter will be out early next semester!

I'm in Cleveland for NYE, hope everyone has a happy and safe new year! SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!

Monday, November 5, 2012

November News

Hello, all! I hope everyone's semesters are going well. Mine is moving right along. It's hard to believe it's into November and the craziness is just around the corner. Le sigh. It will be fine. It always is. Field hockey season ended for me a few weekends ago, so that definitely frees up some of my time. I miss the girls, but I wouldn't want to be out there in this cold weather. I'm excited for Election Day tomorrow! This is the first time I've ever had off--I can't wait to vote nice and early then have the rest of the day ahead of me. Make sure you all vote, too!

Ok, about classes, not so bad. For the next two weeks in data we have assignments due and optional or drop-in classes where we can come work on our paper, other assignments, or review class work and get help/feedback from our professor. Not a bad deal. I'm planning on going tonight, then deciding about next week. I'd like to quiz myself on how I'm keeping up with the things we've gone over in class so I might try to put together a list or study guide and go through each one on SPSS. In budget, we have one exam done, two to go. We should be getting the next one soon. In HR, my partner and I have a nice early jump on our research paper with one interview complete, one scheduled, an outline, and our literature review. Look at us not putting this off til the last minute!

BIG NEWS! I applied for graduation and scheduled my last semester of grad school classes! So excited! My capstone partner and I have also met with our organization and our instructor and put together an outline of our project. We'll be doing a community awareness assessment and plan for NAMI Clermont County. We both feel really good about it. Our proposal is due right before Thanksgiving break.

MPA: Beth and I attended the STEM-Nonprofit Government Fair in October and the department hosted the annual Fall Banquet later in the month. We had a great turnout, a great time, and the food was delicious. City of Covington Mayor Chuck Scheper presented on the obstacles he and Covington have overcome in the past year, how they did it, and made a surprise announcement that City Hall is going to become a hotel.

PASS: Our book drive is underway and going strong! We are halfway to our goal with a little more than a week to go. Leadership applications are coming in for the election next Thursday and we are all looking forward to our guest speaker. All of this will take place Thursday, November 15 so please join us and bring any books you'd like to donate!

ASPA: Join us Friday for Al Tuchfarber's annual election analysis and what the results will mean for the future of Public Administration!

Last but certainly not least, my 25th birthday is in one week!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Where did the month go?!

I’ve been doing some soul searching about what I will do when I finish the MPA program in May. I’m really craving some adventure, so here’s what I’ve decided: Western Europe! I have a girlfriend in London and I speak French conversationally, so those are two good prospects. I’d also be open to Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, and the Czech Republic. I’d like to find a job as a career counselor, academic advisor, or library program manager. I’m excited to be making some decisions and making them happen!

Classes: It’s midterms! In data we have a midterm next week and our first paper due. I’m doing a study on banned books and incidentally, it’s Banned Books Week! Two weeks ago we had a speaker visit from the Institutional Review Board, which was very interesting. Last night, we had treats to celebrate the three birthdays in our class this week! In budget, I’m currently in possession of our two-week take home exam. Tomorrow in class we’ll have a chance to clarify anything we’re having trouble with. In Human Resources, we’ve had two speakers visit and next week is our midterm. My partner and I submitted our paper topic last week, how wellness programs affect the bottom line.

Fall break is coming up October 15th and 16th! I’m going to Cleveland to visit my best friend where we’re going to the Browns-Bengals game and Canton to visit my cousin who recently moved there. I’m also really excited about volunteering for the Young Women LEAD Conference at NKU on October 16th. The conference will feature two keynote speakers (Dominique Dawes and Julie Marie Carrier), a lunch presentation from Secret, and breakout sessions from female business and community leaders. And, this might be bad to say, but I’m already looking forward to Thanksgiving break! We’re going to visit my sister again in Daytona, Florida. Last year was such a great time I can’t wait to go back!

MPA news: Beth and I attended a career fair at Xavier where we met a lot of good potential applicants! I also got a chance to network and visit some booths including the Department of State. I’m excited about that and I’m looking forward to seeing them again tomorrow at NKU’s Nonprofit and Government career fair where Beth and I will be doing the same thing. Check out the two updates on our website! Two new students are featured in the Student Spotlights this semester and we’ve added an alumni profile! Very cool to learn more about people in the program and what alumni are doing with their degree. Also, the Fall Banquet is coming up October 24! This is a chance to connect with alumni and celebrate to department’s reaccreditation for the next seven years.

PASS news: We’d like to welcome Neil Kelly to the PASS leadership team! Neil will be treasurer for the remainder of the semester and hopefully move into another leadership position in the spring. Neil was very involved in student life at Mount Saint Joseph as an undergrad and has a lot of great ideas for PASS. We will not be participating in Service on Saturday this year as the date did not work well for any of our leadership team. INSTEAD, PASS will be hosting a book drive in conjunction with Worldwide Book Drive! The kickoff date is October 15 and will go through November 15 culminating in a celebration with pizza, drinks, and a book donation as an entry fee! Guest speaker Georgetta Kelly, Director of Human Resources at the City of Cincinnati, will present on cooperation and shared services. We will also determine the results of the PASS leadership election. This is one night of PASS you won’t want to miss!

ASPA news: ASPA is having a World Choir Games Re-cap event October 12th. Nick Vehr is going to discuss Cincinnati's role in the World Choir Games with respect to issues such as safety, transportation, sight improvements, etc.

Whew, that was a lot! I’m out!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Off to a good start!

Hello, everyone! And welcome back to another fabulous school year! I love new school years. I hope everyone had great summers, I really enjoyed mine. I interned in the City of Cincinnati Human Resources department where the highlight was definitely the World Choir Games, what a cool experience! I assisted with the hospitality training for the WCG and worked on several other projects: policy research, civil service classification ordinances, and police and fire recruit examinations. I also enjoyed a nice break in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania and a short trip to New York City. Lots of time with family and friends, it was excellent, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to my school/work schedule and routine! Ah, what can I say?

We’re wrapping up the second week here. I’ve really enjoyed catching up with friends from last year and meeting some of the new students. Speaking of, Student Spotlights will be up soon with two new students this semester. If you haven’t had a chance to check out the ones from last semester yet, meet them here:

We had our first PASS event of the semester Friday night at the Reds game. Unfortunately, the Reds lost to the Cardinals, but we had a great time and got to see the Barry Larkin fireworks display! ALSO, I believe we have a new attendance record for a PASS event: 25 tickets! Let’s keep that up this semester! Dates to put on your calendar for this semester: Service on Saturday Sat 9/29 10 a.m.-2 p.m., department banquet Wednesday 10/24, and guest speaker TBA (thinking November!).

I have three night classes this semester (no more Saturdays for me!). In Data Analysis we’ll be using secondary data to test a correlation between a set of variables. I’m thinking about doing either a happiness study or something about what factors influence people’s stance on banned books. In Public Budgeting we’ve discussed the characteristics of traditional individualism and communalism/communitarianism and what caused the financial collapse of 2007. In Human Resources Management we did introductions and I’ll have my second class tonight.

I’ve thought a little about my Capstone project, which will be next semester and in October I’ll be registering for graduation! Stay tuned! I have a feeling this year is going to fly by!